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Bina (Bernadette)
Cara (Carisan)
Shay (Aeysha)
Dina (Amelia)
Ginny (Genivive)
Dala-Rose (Dalata-Rosanna)
Seni (Ssenippah)
I am Bernadette Lila Harris-Niatalad. I prefer Bina though. I am only ever called Bernadette when I am in trouble or when Grandmother Niatalad is here. Luckily that isn't often, as she 'disaproves of my father'. I have six sisters, all younger than me. I have brown mouseyish hair. I have inherited that from my dad. My mother has red hair. The only one of us who has inherited that is Cara. Cara is the one closest in age to me. Cara is very likeable, but I envy her very much. She is favoured a lot more than me. She is prettier than me, and she is a lot nicer than me.
Today is the 2nd September.My name is Caraisan Anna Niatalad-Brown. I have seven sisters. One that is older than me. The rest are younger than me. Six of these, are on my Mum's side of the family. One is on my Dad's. Her name is Lily and she is five years old. I live with my mother the majority of the time, and I see my father every wednesday and third weekend. Shay also has the same father as me, but she hardly sees him, as he is not convinced she is his.
Dad came to pick up Cara today. He barely glanced at me. He has told Cara that this is because he isn't convinced that I am his. Utter rubbish. He prefers Cara because she looks like Mum. I look like him. Maybe he feels like he is looking at himself in the mirror.Perhaps he doesn't like what he sees.
I'm Dina. Well actually I'm Amelia(ugh) Dinah Niatalad-Jones. This is why I like Dina. My favourite thing in the world is tennis. I drink,eat and breathe it. My Grandad (on my Dad's side) is great at tennis. It would have to be my Grandad on my dad's side. My other Grandad hardly ever comes to see us.
This is the diary of me.(more later)
I'm Dala-Rose and I live with my dad. According to my mother my name is Dalata. According to my Grandmother my name is Esoralad.I despise my Grandmother.
My name (don't laugh) is Ssenippah Marigold Niatalad-Black. I also have black hair.I'm the quiet one of the family,so everyone says. Actually, this is because I can't get a word in edgeways. I have nine sisters and three brothers.Six of my sisters are older than me, and so is one of my brother's. This is tough, but I suit this role. Just like Bina suits hers. But Bina was born a natural leader. I had to adapt to my posistion.
I was just wondering about what I put earlier.I wonder why Grandad Niatalad hardly ever comes to see us. Or Grandma. I actually don't think I've ever seen them. I'd better ask Bina. She'd know if they ever even visited...
Dina has just come to ask me about why Grandmother never comes to see us. I had to say she was ill. I hate being made to lie like this. It's time they knew the truth. I'll talk to mum about it.
Six of my sisters (I have seven) have the same mother as me. Two have the same Dad. They all live with her. I wonder if they'd like her so much if they knew what I know. It's better they don't. It would destroy them. I know. It destroyed me.
Hi. I have the worst name in history.When it's shortened to Ginny it's just about bearable. (No offence to J.k Rowling, but seriously, has she tried having Genivive for a name?)
My sister is really horrible. Shay says dad just likes me because I'm like Mum. That's stupid! As if Dad would be as mean as all that! Shay's just spiteful and nasty.
Bina says Grandma Niatalad doesn't come to see us because she's ill. I can't believe no one told me! She must be in so much pain...
A serious argument just happened. Between Cara and Shay. And Dinah and Bina were discussing Grandmother's 'Illness' I don't believe in this illness. Of course, no one would have let me in on a secret. I am the youngest. And the quietest. But I know, there are to many secrets in this family. And Dala knows something...